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Our Team

Sean HEsler, ND

Sean Hesler, ND received his medical degree from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and he has been licensed in the State of Arizona since 2010. He is a founding member and the Executive Director of Naturopaths Without Borders and serves as adjunct faculty at AT Still University. Dr. Sean co-launched the first free-standing birth center in northern Haiti, served SCNM as Director of Community Medicine and associate professor of Nutrition and Community Medicine, he lectures throughout the United States and works with NWB in Phoenix, Mexico, Haiti and Thailand. His awards include the 2011 SCNM Alumni Award for Community Service, American Association of Naturopathic Physicians’ President’s Award in 2018 and 2019 Impact LIVEs Abundance Awards Community Leader Of The Year for his tireless dedication to underserved people around the globe.

Beyond his academic and global health work, Dr. Sean teaches the Naturopathic Musculoskeletal and Nutrition Mastery series of courses for students and physicians. His approach to treatment combines a thorough history and examination, diagnostic testing, Naturopathic foundational treatment, manual therapy, acupuncture, cupping and advanced injection therapies including trigger point, neural, neuralprolotherapy, prolotherapy, PRP, and allograft.

Sarah Preston Hesler, ND

Sarah Preston Hesler, ND is passionate about using regenerative therapies to relieve pain and help her patients look and feel their best, inside and out. She received her medical degree from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and brings 12+ years of direct patient care, having treated thousands of patients. Dr. Preston Hesler is an avid learner and has received specialized training in platelet rich plasma, prolotherapy, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, aesthetics, sexual dysfunction, trichology, peptides, and stem cell therapy and more. Dr. Preston Hesler loves to teach and regularly lectures around the country providing comprehensive musculoskeletal, aesthetics, sexual dysfunction and global health trainings as a co-founder of the Naturopathic Mastery Series to other providers and students. She is a former adjunct faculty member at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine where she taught nutrition, clinical skills and was an attending physician at a clinic for the underserved. She is currently an adjunct faculty member at AT Still University teaching Physician Assistant students there. 

Dr. Preston Hesler is also a founding member and the Director of Operations for Naturopaths Without Borders (NWB), a nonprofit organization. Through this work, she has been fortunate to lead volunteer teams in Haiti, Mexico, Thailand, India, the Dominican Republic, and the United States. She was a 2011 co-recipient of the SCNM Alumni Award for Community Service, was instrumental in winning the Emerson Grant for NWB in 2013, she received the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians’ President’s Award in 2018, the Impact Lives Abundance Award for Community Service in 2019, the Ballantine and Ibis Grants in 2019 for NWB and was nominated for the Impact Lives Paragon Award for Community Service in 2020. Dr. Preston Hesler believes that her role as a physician is to listen and to walk alongside her patients as they journey to better health. In her spare time she loves to spend time with her husband and rescue dog, cook, play the piano, travel, read, and practice yoga.

Sarah Trahan, NMD

Sarah Trahan, NMD is a board certified naturopathic physician in Arizona with specialized training in interventional pain management, regenerative medicine, aesthetics, and female sexual health. She was born and raised in Southeast Louisiana and completed her Bachelor of Science in Psychology at Loyola University in New Orleans. After earning her medical degree from Sonoran University of Health Sciences in Tempe, Arizona, she completed her residency at the Neil Riordan Center for Regenerative Medicine at Sonoran University.

She is trained in the most effective and evidence-based approaches to pain management including fat, bone marrow and platelet therapy. She regularly utilizes traditional Chinese and botanical medicine. Dr. Trahan prioritizes the foundations of health while educating patients so that they can make the most informed decisions to recover and stay active.